Join us at 2:30 p.m. (EST) Friday, March 5, 2021, for a virtual Info Sci Colloquium with Kevin Munger, who presents "Does Demand Create Its Own Supply on YouTube?"

Kevin Munger is a computational social scientist who studies the internet and politics. His current research is aimed at understanding supply and demand dynamics on emerging platforms like YouTube, TikTok and streaming chat. He is the founding co-editor of the Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Politics. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Politics and Social Data Analytics at Penn State University, and a faculty affiliate of the NYU Center for Social Media and Politics. 

Talk: Does Demand Create Its Own Supply on YouTube? 

Abstract: YouTube is the second-most important digital platform in contemporary US politics. Why has  YouTube politics been so dominated by the right? I present a stylized model of the YouTube platform as an informational system that aims to efficiently match the supply of and demand for videos. I argue for the necessity of longitudinal quantitative description as a method for understanding these memory-ful systems, and discuss my recently-founded academic journal promoting this method. In this vein, viewership of far-right YouTube videos peaked in 2017. My current project focuses on the way that producers of political YouTube videos understand the information about audience demand presented to them by the platform; in short, does demand create its own supply?