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- Interface Design and Ubiquitous Computing
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- Social Computing and Computer-supported Cooperative Work
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- Info Sci Majors
- BA - Information Science (College of Arts & Sciences)
- BS - Information Science (CALS)
- BS - Information Science, Systems, and Technology
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Studying Abroad as an Information Science or Information Science, Systems, and Technology Major
Information Science (IS) and Information Science, Systems, and Technology (ISST) majors may study abroad during their time at Cornell. Coordinating a study abroad experience requires careful planning and communication with the Office of Global Learning, the student’s admitting college (A&S, CALS, or COE), and their IS/ISST major advisor.
Find information about timing, eligibility, and contacts within your college below:
Where can I study abroad?
IS and ISST majors study around the globe, but these are some of the more popular recent destinations:
- DIS Semester in Copenhagen, Denmark
- King’s College London, United Kingdom
- CIEE Amsterdam, Social Sciences and Humanities, Netherlands
- IE University Madrid, Spain
- Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- National University of Singapore
- University of Sydney, Australia
When can I study abroad?
Most students study abroad during their junior spring semester, but other semesters may work as well. Regardless of the semester in which you plan to study abroad, be sure to check that being away will not interfere with completing core information science courses. Core classes cannot be taken abroad and many core classes are only offered during the fall. Failure to complete core classes prior to the final semester of study may result in an inability to meet major requirements and/or delayed graduation.
What types of courses can I take abroad that will count towards my IS or ISST major?
IS/ISST majors are allowed to take two courses abroad and apply them towards their major requirements in one of the following ways:
Two major electives
One major elective and one concentration course
To be counted towards the major, all courses must be approved in advance by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. To have courses reviewed, please submit a syllabus, course link (if available), and the intended purpose (i.e., elective or concentration course with category) to ISAdvising@cornell.edu. Please share potential courses at least two weeks before any relevant deadlines.
Courses must be directly related to Information Science, but do not need to be identical to courses offered at Cornell. If it is determined that there is significant overlap in content between a proposed course and a course offered at Cornell, then the student will not be permitted to take both courses for credit.
Note on Finding Electives: Students tend to have a higher chance of a course being approved if the content has an “information science and ____” perspective. For example, courses that explore the ethics of artificial intelligence beyond an introductory level have been approved as IS/ISST major electives. However, courses that simply cover the programming foundations of artificial intelligence have not been approved. Courses that are missing an information science perspective will be automatically denied (e.g., solely computer science, communication, or business courses).
Note on Concentration Courses: Students seeking a concentration course abroad should use their concentration and category requirements as a guide. When proposing a concentration course for review, be sure to share the concentration category in which the course best fits (e.g., User Experience Category B: Design in Context).
How do I transfer study abroad credit back to Cornell?
This process varies by college; please refer to your college’s study abroad policies linked above. Once your transcript has been received by Cornell and posted to Student Center, then the IS Advising Office can verify your grade(s) and post the course(s) to your major checklist.
Questions? Email ISAdvising@cornell.edu or set up an appointment with an IS Advisor via Chatter (choose the Bowers CIS tab).
Study Abroad Courses NOT Approved for the IS/ISST Major
The list below includes all courses that have been proposed to the IS Department, but have been denied for major and/or concentration credit from abroad. The courses on this list will not count towards the IS or ISST major.
Updated February 2025
- CASA Barcelona - Web Oriented Computing
- CASA Santiago - De Homero a Facebook: Filosofía de la Tecnología (From Homer to Facebook: Philosophy of Technology)
- CASA Sevilla - Technology, Informatics, and Society
- CIEE Madrid - Operating Systems
- CIEE Paris - Media, Gender and Identity
- CIEE Paris - Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
- CIEE Paris - Social Psychology
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Communication in the Digital Society
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Computational Communication Science
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Ethics of Privacy
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Information and Data Management
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Intercultural Communication and Leadership
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Intro to Video Game Studies
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Media Methods
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Politics and AI
- CIEE University of Amsterdam - Say Hi to AI
- City University of Hong Kong - IS2023 Mobile Applications for Business
- City University of Hong Kong - IS3501 Cybersecurity for Business
- City University of Hong Kong - IS4340 - Search Engine Optimization
- City University of Hong Kong - IS4834 - Business Intelligence and Analytics
- City University of Hong Kong - MS4224 - Enterprise Data Mining
- DIS Copenhagen - Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- DIS Copenhagen - Business Potential of Generative AI
- DIS Copenhagen - Data-Informed Business Strategies
- DIS Copenhagen - Game Development: Programming and Practice
- DIS Copenhagen - Graphic Design Foundations Studio
- DIS Copenhagen - Strategic Communication
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - CIVL 5220 Building Information Modeling and Digital Construction
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - COMP 1001 - Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - COMP 3311: Database Management Systems
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - COMP 4021 Internet Computing
- IE Madrid - AI Reasoning and Problem Solving
- IE Madrid - Algorithms and Data Structures
- IE Madrid - Data Governance
- IE Madrid - Designing Databases
- IE Madrid - Emerging Topics in Data Analysis & Management
- IE Madrid - IE Challenge
- IE Madrid - Web Analytics
- IE Madrid - From Data to Decision-Making in Marketing
- IE Madrid - Recommendation Engines
- King's College London - 4CCS1DBS - Database Systems
- King's College London - 5AAVC303 - Digital Campaigning
- King's College London - Digital Economy
- King's College London - Health Discourse and Communication
- King's College London - History and Memory II
- King's College London - Introduction To Software Engineering
- King's College London - Leading and Managing Teams
- King's College London - Marketing Communication
- King's College London - Markets, Organisation, and Society
- King's College London - Media Cultures
- King's College London - Mediating Memory
- King's College London - Object Oriented Programming
- King's College London - Science, Technology, and Society
- King's College London - Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
- King's College London - Working Creatively with Digital Texts
- National Taiwan University - PHL 1917
- National University of Singapore - BT 1101 Introduction to Business Analytics
- National University of Singapore - BT 3107 Engineering for Machine Learning
- National University of Singapore - BT3103: Application Systems Development for Business Analytics
- National University of Singapore - CE5209 Transportation Data Analytics and Modeling
- National University of Singapore - Computational Methods for Business Analytics
- National University of Singapore - DSA3101 Data Science in Practice
- National University of Singapore - DSA4212 Optimization for Large-Scale Data-Driven Inference
- National University of Singapore - IE5005 Data Analytics for Industrial Engineers
- National University of Singapore - IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication
- National University of Singapore - IS1128 IT, Management and Organisation
- National University of Singapore - IS4100 IT Project Management
- National University of Singapore - IS4228: Information Technologies in Financial Services
- National University of Singapore - LL4283C Artificial Intelligence, Information Science & Law
- National University of Singapore - LSM2234 Intro to Quantitative Biology
- National University of Singapore - LSM2241 Intro Bioinformatics
- National University of Singapore - NM2207 Computational Media Literacy
- National University of Singapore - ST2137 Statistical Computing and Programming
- Parsons Paris - Transversal Design
- Parsons Paris - Design Development & Production
- University College London - BASC0048 Computers and Humans
- University College London - BASC0080 Computer Simulations...
- University of Edinburgh - Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
- University of Edinburgh - Computer Communication and Networks
- University of Edinburgh - Software Design and Modeling
- Yonsei University - Artificial Intelligence, Technology, And Education
- Yonsei University - International Business Communication