- About
- Courses
- Research
- Computational Social Science
- Critical Data Studies
- Data Science
- Economics and Information
- Education Technology
- Ethics, Law and Policy
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Incentives and Computation
- Infrastructure Studies
- Interface Design and Ubiquitous Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Network Science
- Social Computing and Computer-supported Cooperative Work
- Technology and Equity
- People
- Career
- Undergraduate
- Info Sci Majors
- BA - Information Science (College of Arts & Sciences)
- BS - Information Science (CALS)
- BS - Information Science, Systems, and Technology
- Studying Abroad
- MPS Early Credit Option
- Independent Research
- CPT Procedures
- Student Associations
- Undergraduate Minor in Info Sci
- Our Students and Alumni
- Graduation Info
- Contact Us
- Info Sci Majors
- Masters
- Prospective PhD Students
- Admissions
- Degree Requirements and Curriculum
- Grad Student Orgs
- For Current PhDs
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Our Students and Alumni
- Graduation Info
- Program Contacts and Student Advising
The Information Science Graduate Student Association (ISGSA) consists of a number of positions that provide IS grad students with representation and involvement in academic activities at both the department and university levels. The ISGSA also strives to encourage balance between academic and social life by promoting socialization among graduate students through sponsorship of professional and recreational events.
Co-President (Ithaca): Haesoo Kim
Vice President: Yadi Wang
Treasurer: Kiara Liu
Department Representation
Admission Representatives: Emma Harvey (Ithaca) and Thalia Viranda (Cornell Tech)
Hiring Representative: Farhana Shahid (Ithaca), Amrit Kwatra (Cornell Tech)
Cornell Tech Liason: TBD
University Representation
GPSA Representative: Yeonju Jang
Coordination & Event Planning
Social Chair: Ayana Monroe
IS Seminar/Colloquium Coordinator: Calvin Qiu (Ithaca)
Broadening Participation Representatives: TBD
Staff Support Person
Associate Director of the Ph.D. program
524A Rhodes Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853