- About
- Courses
- Research
- Computational Social Science
- Critical Data Studies
- Data Science
- Economics and Information
- Education Technology
- Ethics, Law and Policy
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Incentives and Computation
- Infrastructure Studies
- Interface Design and Ubiquitous Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Network Science
- Social Computing and Computer-supported Cooperative Work
- Technology and Equity
- People
- Career
- Undergraduate
- Info Sci Majors
- BA - Information Science (College of Arts & Sciences)
- BS - Information Science (CALS)
- BS - Information Science, Systems, and Technology
- Studying Abroad
- MPS Early Credit Option
- Independent Research
- CPT Procedures
- Student Associations
- Undergraduate Minor in Info Sci
- Our Students and Alumni
- Graduation Info
- Contact Us
- Info Sci Majors
- Masters
- Prospective PhD Students
- Admissions
- Degree Requirements and Curriculum
- Grad Student Orgs
- For Current PhDs
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Our Students and Alumni
- Graduation Info
- Program Contacts and Student Advising
The Department of Information Science offers a small number of teaching assistant positions (GTRS) for MPS students. In these positions, MPS students play a crucial role in supporting the instructor and the students in the class. The duties of an MPS TA may include covering discussion sections, grading assignments and exams, holding office hours, managing course logistics, and more.
GTRS positions only provide a stipend. Tuition and health insurance are not provided. The expected GTRS stipend for a semester for AY 23-24 is $8124 (gross). The total stipend amount varies based on the start and end dates of your appointment. The actual figure will be noted in your official appointment letter that you will receive after you are appointed. The average work hours are 8 hours per week, with a maximum of 10 hours per week.
A survey is sent to all admitted and accepted MPS students in June for the fall term, and in November for the spring term. If you are interested in becoming a GTRS for a specific course, you should fill out the survey with your top 3 choices and submit by the deadline.
Notifications will be sent to all students of their assignments by the first week of August for fall and by the first week of January for the spring term. The GTRS offer will be contingent upon your ability to hold an assistantship under current university policy and federal law, including sucessful complettion of form I9. If you have any doubts about this requirement please contact Olivia Howarth.
Please note, if your Early Admit petition has been approved, you are not eligible for a GTRS position. You must be a registered Graduate Student to hold a GTRS position.