I am Olzhas Yessenbayev, a Ph.D. student in Information Science at Cornell University. My research passion lies at the intersection of cognitive sciences and HCI, with an emphasis on leveraging cognitive and biological affordances to elevate health technology design. In terms of sensing, I am dedicated to understanding the capacity of passively sensed markers to accurately model and predict our cognitive states. In terms of behavior change, I explore ways to modulate these cognitive states by engaging with semi-voluntary physiological mechanisms seamlessly, through creation of subtle interfaces. For instance, I've incorporated feedback into video-watching experiences to subtly guide eating rates, and I've used peripheral vision—an avenue of sensory input processed almost automatically—as another such interface. These methods aim to craft interventions that seamlessly integrate with users' natural behaviors, fostering effective yet unobtrusive behavior modifications. I am currently under the guidance of Professor Rajalkshmi Nandakumar at Cornell.