Cornell University and Cornell Tech combined to contribute more than a dozen papers to the 26th annual World Wide Web conference (WWW), the world’s longest-running and most prestigious web conference. Five of those papers include authors from Cornell Information Science. They include:
Cascades: A View from Audience // Authors: Rahmtin Rotabi (Cornell University), Krishna Kamath (Twitter), Jon Kleinberg (Cornell University), and Aneesh Sharma (Twitter).
Cats and Captions vs. Creators and the Clock: Comparing Multimodal Content to Context in Predicting Relative Popularity // Authors: Jack Hessel, Lillian Lee, and David Mimno (all of Cornell University)
Competition and Selection Among Conventions // Authors: Rahmtin Rotabi, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Jon Kleinberg (all of Cornell University)
Detecting Strong Ties Using Network Motifs // Authors: Rahmtin Rotabi (Cornell University), Krishna Kamath (Twitter), Jon Kleinberg (Cornell University), and Aneesh Sharma (Twitter).
When Confidence and Competence Collide: Effects on Online Decision-Making Discussions // Authors: Liye Fu, Lillian Lee, and Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil (all of Cornell University)